
At STEMbridge, we are on a mission to promote equitable access to STEM education and opportunities for underrepresented groups and minorities. Our vision is to create a world where everyone, regardless of their background, has equal access to  STEM education and the chance to pursue their passions and potential in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Think, Design, Create

STEM Explorers

STEM Education Diversity Fuels Discovery

About Us

STEMbridge was founded with a deep commitment to addressing the underrepresentation of women, Black and Hispanic students, and those from low-income families in STEM fields. Our organization’s journey began with a vision to create a more inclusive and diverse STEM community that recognizes and values the contributions of all individuals.

40 %

Schools in low-income areas, where a significant percentage of underrepresented students attend, have limited access to STEM education, affecting approximately 40% of students. (Source: National Science Foundation)

35 %
Low Income

35% of students from low-income families lack access to STEM resources and extracurricular activities. (Source: STEM Education Coalition))

Projects Completed

We have completed  190 projects so for with our Students and we are hopping to achieve the numbers as well. 

Our Programs

At STEMbridge, we offer a range of exciting and impactful projects and programs that cater to the unique needs and interests of underrepresented groups in STEM. Whether you're a student, educator, or STEM enthusiast, there's something for everyone to get involved in!


Organize field trips and visits to local technology companies and engineering firms to give students a firsthand look at potential career opportunities.

Think, Design, Create

Think, Design, Create Program, an exciting initiative by STEMbridge that brings innovation and creativity to your local library.


Join us in person or virtually to make a difference.


Your Support makes a big impact on our course. We welcome any contribution amount from corporate partners or individual donors.


Looking for any opportunity to sponsor a cause? Next STEM leaders by supporting our STEM nonprofit work.